Housewarming | Nik & Elijah


Elijah stared a moment before looking away with an undignified snort. “Deal, little brother.” He was already thinking about which journals to let him read. “So we’ll skip 1492, 2012, and a few other years…Because those were far too eventful years.” The Original looked away. “Perhaps the time leading up to our fleeing New Orleans. And a few memorable years in Russia.”

“I’ll tell her you wish to meet her.” He sighed. “Kol can wait.”

It was mostly the fact that Kol was just so unpredictable that kept Elijah away. He wished it were not so.

“I have no idea where he is at the moment. Rebekah may know. She’s the one who always knows.”

“Klaus mentioned New Orleans. It sounded like a home. I’ve never been to any place except New York and Mystic. What’s it like to travel the world? I mean, you must have been everywhere by now, right? How many languages do you speak?”

Funny how both Klaus and Elijah reacted the same when it came to Kol. Maybe he should avoid meeting him until he had found out more about him.

“So… how did you meet Ric? He said something about daggering you — if that’s too personal, forget that I ask, but… Are you angry at him?”

Is he safe around you?