Housewarming | Nik & Elijah


Elijah nodded once. “New Orleans is as close to home as we’ve had in a very long time. He was happy there.” A smile lit his face. He loved to talk of traveling. “Perhaps one day you will take an extended trip with your young man. I’ve been a lot of places. More places recently, actually. Travel is so much easier now.”

“I love the thrill of finding new places. It never diminishes. New Orleans was a favorite. We spent a few centuries there.” He tapped his chair arm. “France was another favored place. Rebekah enjoyed it. I should take her for a small trip there again… Let her loose on the shops in Paris…”

His eyes met Nik’s. “That was a memorable meeting, yes. I’m not angry. He did what he felt was right.”

couldn’t even imagine what it was like going to places on horses. Or
maybe even walk for days to reach the next village. He liked the idea
of having woods all around you, it made him think of freedom, a life
that his wolf would embrace in a way that the human part never could.

been there – and I’m not sure I’ll be doing a lot of traveling. I
hate flying, I – when Ric and I went from Mystic Falls to New York
for a weekend – it was bad. He had to distract me the entire
flight. And now, when we visit his parents, he holds my hand and I
try not to die of shame.”

it wasn’t as bad as the first time anymore, but he would never be a
fan of it. Never.

searched Elijah’s eyes for a moment, not really understanding what
had happened between him and Alaric – but he believed him. His
brother wouldn’t hurt Ric, that much he could tell. Maybe wouldn’t
have even before he showed up to talk to him. It made him breathe a
little easier, at least there was one Mikaelson Ric would be safe

I… I won’t pretend I know what’s happened between you, but…

Housewarming | Nik & Elijah


Elijah stared a moment before looking away with an undignified snort. “Deal, little brother.” He was already thinking about which journals to let him read. “So we’ll skip 1492, 2012, and a few other years…Because those were far too eventful years.” The Original looked away. “Perhaps the time leading up to our fleeing New Orleans. And a few memorable years in Russia.”

“I’ll tell her you wish to meet her.” He sighed. “Kol can wait.”

It was mostly the fact that Kol was just so unpredictable that kept Elijah away. He wished it were not so.

“I have no idea where he is at the moment. Rebekah may know. She’s the one who always knows.”

“Klaus mentioned New Orleans. It sounded like a home. I’ve never been to any place except New York and Mystic. What’s it like to travel the world? I mean, you must have been everywhere by now, right? How many languages do you speak?”

Funny how both Klaus and Elijah reacted the same when it came to Kol. Maybe he should avoid meeting him until he had found out more about him.

“So… how did you meet Ric? He said something about daggering you — if that’s too personal, forget that I ask, but… Are you angry at him?”

Is he safe around you?

Housewarming | Nik & Elijah


“Perhaps you and I share more than we thought.” He chuckled. “I try to make time. Daily. Boring read, I tell you, but there are hundreds of years worth of them. Some were lost, of course, but I still have many.”

He had let few people read his journals over the centuries, but if asked, he would hand them over to Nik without hesitation. He was his brother, and had a right to know anything he wished about their family.

“Rebekah will just dote on you. I can see it now,” he mused. 

“Ah. Our Kol is volatile. Unpredictable. I tend to avoid him, if that gives you any clue about him.” A situation that never failed to make Elijah blue.

“Well… we can make a deal. I can show you some of my sketches I would never show to anyone else – and you let me read some of the interesting stuff? Preferably something that doesn’t end with ‘and then Klaus slaughtered the village’…”

He was trying to turn it into a joke, but it didn’t quite work. He knew what Klaus was capable of.

“I can’t wait to meet her, but Kol…”

Maybe it would be a good idea to stay away from him then. If even someone like Elijah didn’t feel comfortable around him…

“I guess – well, maybe I should just get to know all of you first and then him. Is he even around? No one really talks about him.”

Housewarming | Nik & Elijah


Elijah’s eyes grew wide and he chuckled. “Your Rebekah and mine are… the same. She is much easier to get along with if simply given her way. She is happy, so we’re all happy. Well, most of us.” 

He took the camera to study the girl in the photo. Younger than the Rebekah now, in this space, but he recognized her. More polished than the girl in the photo, but the same. And he knew her a thousand years ago as well. “She’s always been pouty,” he mused as he returned the phone. “I’ve none of my sister on my device at the moment. Sadly.”

“It matters not why she was angry. If she is like mine… well, the storms are violent, but they pass quickly. Relatively so.”

“Well, you are a person. You draw to make you happy. That is just as noble.” It was a concept he understood. “I write. In a journal, nothing other than my day to day thoughts oftentimes, but if I do not get it out, my mind feels… full. Too full.” 

Nik nodded.

“That’s what I mean, I hate it when I can’t draw for a while. When there’s no time or I can’t sit down – I really hate it.”

And how cool would that be? To read Elijah’s book? Read about things that happened a hundred years ago, things he’d seen with his own eyes? History. Something Nik had never really been interested in – he had always lived in the here and now, always cared about the presence and tried to leave the past behind – but now that a part of it was literally sitting in front of him he was curious.

“I don’t feel noble at all,” he grinned, taking a sip of his drink. “But I really want to meet her. And Kol.”

Although, maybe that wasn’t a good idea. He couldn’t say why, but the idea of meeting an alternate universe version of his unpredictable little brother was making him feel nervous.

“Or… you know, maybe not. We didn’t really – I mean, not that he would know about it, but my Kol and I, we had sort of a falling out and I haven’t talked to him for a year. Is… How is your Kol? How do he and Klaus get along?”

Housewarming | Nik & Elijah


Rebekah wanted to be normal, but she was an excellent vampire, one who tended to be vicious in her anger at the unfairness of her existence. Elijah never blamed her, they all coped how they knew how.

He chuckled. “I’ve heard people in town mention such about her. Fairly certain she’s deserving of it.” The vampire tilted his head with a smile. “She does, as she did when she was a child and as she has done for years. It’s a sight to see, her throwing a tantrum. Has this line…” he gestured between his own eyes. “When she’s angry it gets deep.”

“It is incredibly boring, so no need to attempt feigning interest.” Elijah was not a man of exciting hobbies. 

Elijah nodded, recalling his own Niklaus constantly making art as a child. Whittling figurines or drawing with burnt sticks. Anything to make their world beautiful. He blinked up at Nik and smiled. “You want to make others happy with your work. Give them heroes to love. Admirable.”

“My Bekah, she starts throwing things. And yelling, sometimes. And if she doesn’t get what she wants, she’ll ignore you. For days. And glare at you. Hide your stuff… You know, it’s just so much easier to give her whatever she wants and to keep her happy.”

He pulled out his cell phone, searching for a photo before he handed it over to Elijah. It was one of three he had left of her, Rebekah glaring at someone behind the camera with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

“I don’t remember why she was mad at me, I think I drew in one of her school books. I used to do that a lot, you know? Never realized I was doing it, got me into so much trouble at home.”

He frowned them, thinking about what Elijah was saying. And shook his head.

“No, I’m not – I’ve never drawn to make others happy. I mean, I know many people like what I do and that I’m talented, but it’s never been about them. I just… I need to get my ideas out of my head or I’ll go crazy. I can’t – It’s like they are all yelling at me, in my head, you know? And they won’t shut up unless I listen. And draw. It’s… it’s difficult to explain, but I get nervous if I can’t… It’s weird.”

I’m weird.

But it was a weirdness he no longer felt bad about and so his smile stayed on his lips.

Housewarming | Nik & Elijah


He could see the disbelief on Nik’s face and chalked it up to their growing up in vastly different eras. The Mikaelsons in this time had grown up a thousand years ago, and then the women had to be as fierce as the men or they would likely not survive. He was proud of all of his siblings. Always had been in his own way.

“I am more than certain she’d love that. Rebekah is busy being a,” he floundered for the term for a moment before it came to him, “a mean girl.” Elijah chuckled. “She’s aching to have a normal life and to act as if she were human. Some days she succeeds. I can see if she would make a time to meet you?”

That Mikael was gone now was cause for Elijah thanking any higher power he could recall. The man being dead was something to be thankful for. He could not destroy them now.

“Kol is volatile. He has a hair-trigger temper and a warped sense of fun. The latter was not always the case, but over the centuries…” he trailed off. And did not speak of the fact that Kol had reasons to be angry. Being boxed was not something any of the siblings enjoyed. 

A smile lit the Original’s face. 

“Ah, mostly I keep up with the market to increase the family’s funds. I read, often, to keep busy.” Elijah paused and shrugged. “I babysit thousand year old children more often than I like.” Turning the tables, Elijah leaned forward. “And are you planning to make art professionally? You’ve loved to draw since childhood?”

Of all his siblings, it was Rebekah who he just couldn’t picture as a vampire, but, knowing her, she was probably the most vicious of them all. Well, after his own evil twin.

“I’d like that. It’s weird to see how different you all are, but… I don’t know why or how, but I can still see my family in you. And mean girl really sounds like her. Does your Rebekah stomp her feet and storm out of the room if she doesn’t get what she wants?”

Have a normal life and act human? Maybe they were more similar than he thought?

Increase the family’s funds?

“That… Uhm, that sounds… Interesting.” Well, not really.

“I don’t remember when I started drawing, I just know there’s always been sketches everywhere I went. I know I’m talented but I feel like I want to take a break from it at the moment. Ric told me to go back to art school, but it doesn’t feel right. I know I could probably make a living out of it… You know, back home, I’ve always wanted to become a cartoonist. I wanted to create my own superheroes and become famous.”

He shrugged, it was difficult putting this into words, he had never before talked about his dreams, not like this.

“I still… I want that. I want to be creative and draw, but… Not right now.”