Housewarming | Nik & Elijah


He could see the disbelief on Nik’s face and chalked it up to their growing up in vastly different eras. The Mikaelsons in this time had grown up a thousand years ago, and then the women had to be as fierce as the men or they would likely not survive. He was proud of all of his siblings. Always had been in his own way.

“I am more than certain she’d love that. Rebekah is busy being a,” he floundered for the term for a moment before it came to him, “a mean girl.” Elijah chuckled. “She’s aching to have a normal life and to act as if she were human. Some days she succeeds. I can see if she would make a time to meet you?”

That Mikael was gone now was cause for Elijah thanking any higher power he could recall. The man being dead was something to be thankful for. He could not destroy them now.

“Kol is volatile. He has a hair-trigger temper and a warped sense of fun. The latter was not always the case, but over the centuries…” he trailed off. And did not speak of the fact that Kol had reasons to be angry. Being boxed was not something any of the siblings enjoyed. 

A smile lit the Original’s face. 

“Ah, mostly I keep up with the market to increase the family’s funds. I read, often, to keep busy.” Elijah paused and shrugged. “I babysit thousand year old children more often than I like.” Turning the tables, Elijah leaned forward. “And are you planning to make art professionally? You’ve loved to draw since childhood?”

Of all his siblings, it was Rebekah who he just couldn’t picture as a vampire, but, knowing her, she was probably the most vicious of them all. Well, after his own evil twin.

“I’d like that. It’s weird to see how different you all are, but… I don’t know why or how, but I can still see my family in you. And mean girl really sounds like her. Does your Rebekah stomp her feet and storm out of the room if she doesn’t get what she wants?”

Have a normal life and act human? Maybe they were more similar than he thought?

Increase the family’s funds?

“That… Uhm, that sounds… Interesting.” Well, not really.

“I don’t remember when I started drawing, I just know there’s always been sketches everywhere I went. I know I’m talented but I feel like I want to take a break from it at the moment. Ric told me to go back to art school, but it doesn’t feel right. I know I could probably make a living out of it… You know, back home, I’ve always wanted to become a cartoonist. I wanted to create my own superheroes and become famous.”

He shrugged, it was difficult putting this into words, he had never before talked about his dreams, not like this.

“I still… I want that. I want to be creative and draw, but… Not right now.”