Always and forever | Nik, Kol


Kol sighed, wondering how he hadn’t put things together from the beginning, he had spent so long blaming Nik for his problems that he hadn’t even bothered to consider that had Nik been there, it would have only made things a thousand times worse. A new werewolf and a new witch, it was a recipe for disaster, was still a recipe for disaster. Kol listened to how Ric once again seemed to be his brothers savior but this time there was less bitterness, less jealousy and Kol guessed that was a step in the right direction.

Kol grimaced upon the question of whether or not Jules knew about his magic, about what he was. She was his best friend, his only friend but he had never confided in her about it, he had felt like it was too dangerous. He knew that Jules had every ability to protect and defend herself, she was after all the daughter of a mobster, but the supernatural was a different world and he wasn’t sure he wanted her to be a part of it.

“I’ve kept it from her for this long,” Kol admitted carefully. “you’re the first one who’s found out. It’s not that I don’t trust her, I do, it’s just — it’s not the safest thing to know about.”

He shrugged, shifting uncomfortably on his seat. “I want to tell her, I mean, I’ve thought about it.” But what if things change, what if she’s afraid of it the same way Nik is or worse, what if she was afraid of him? Jules had seen him at his worst, but that was when she thought he was normal. Human. Magic wasn’t something that was always tamable, sometimes it lashed out in ways that he couldn’t even imagine like what he had done to Nik.

Kol laughed upon the reference to Sidious, and it felt good to laugh. “I thought I was more Darth Nihilus than creep face Palpatine.” he teased though there was still that shock of guilt when he remembered the fight. He sighed, laughter fading slightly. “Ric’s just your modern time knight in shining armor, huh? Or is it more like a Beauty and the Beast thing? Can I call him Belle?”

understood, better than Kol would know. It had taken him a long time to let
Meredith in on the werewolf-thing. He’d spent weeks thinking about
it, weighing the pros and cons – and being scared that she would
leave him. That the idea of him being a supernatural… thing
would drive her away. Meredith had been his best friend long before
he and Ric had become a thing and still he had not wanted to tell

he couldn’t hold it back anymore and had told her. He’d been nervous,
shaking, almost crying, but he had talked to her… and it had been
okay. Awkward, at first, but pretty soon it was normal for both of

knows,” he said with a somewhat tired smile. “Not sure he knows
exactly what you are, but… well. When you…” He gestured toward
his chest where Kol’s magic had hit him, shrugging. “He won’t tell
anyone, of course. He’d never do that…”

was silent for a moment, picking at something on his jeans, then
bumped his shoulder into Kol’s.

“I told Meredith. Back then, in Mystic. After… after I found out. I
was scared, you know? I didn’t know how she would take it, if it
would change anything between us. But it didn’t. It was weird, she
had to promise me to never come over during the full moon and it’s
okay. She’s not afraid of me, you know? I think… if you told
Jules… I think she won’t leave you. I don’t know her well, but I do
know that the truth is always better. It makes things easier.”

that was why he would tell Elijah about it as well. Soon.

Well… if you want to call him that… make sure he doesn’t hear
it!” He reached out to punch Kol’s shoulder – and it felt good,
like old times. “Ric is… Ric. He knows things, he knows where to
find answers and he knows how to deal with them. And me. So… If
that makes him my knight in shining armor… I don’t really care.”

Misconception: Nik doesn’t care about his family any more, only Alaric. ((tkau))

Nothing could be further from the truth. Nik still loves his family very much and cares about them, but it’s different for every member:

Mikael: Nik hates him and he doesn’t want him in his life anymore, but he still thinks about him a lot. In a way he even misses him, even when he left because of him and to get away from him.

: He loves her, but he also resents her since she never did anything to save him from Mikael’s abuse. He knows she wasn’t strong enough to stand up for him and to protect him, but the part of him that is still a little boy can’t forgive her.

Elijah: Elijah and Nik are close, Nik has always been in contact with him, after Ric he’s the most important person in Nik’s life, Nik would do anything for him, I’m not sure if he could ever come back from it if something happened to Elijah.

: Long story, Nik left his family to get away from Mikael and on the night he did, Kol told him to stay gone. Nik didn’t feel like he had any right to talk to him (since he left them behind) and didn’t contact him because he didn’t think he was welcome anymore. They’ve talked about it by now and are working on becoming brothers again.

Bex: She was angry at him for leaving and wouldn’t talk to him, he’s still trying to get her to forgive him.

It is true, he will always put Ric above everyone else, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about them or would do anything to save them/be with them. Except for his parents.

Always and forever | Nik, Kol


“I don’t.”

Perhaps there had been a time when Kol might have wished that Nik had been there, perhaps that time had stretched on well past the weeks and months than what was healthy and perhaps even now there was a small part of him that wondered what might have happened if he had been there. That wondered if things might have turned out differently, if his choices might have been different.

“It wouldn’t have been safe for you to be around. I don’t think you could have helped me anyway.” Kol admitted hollowly, he had been a problem even before his magic had manifested, there was no guarantee that he would have even listened to his brother if he had been there. “I think it was something I had to deal with on my own.”

Kol had never wondered what life as a werewolf was like, he knew the transformations were excruciating, that if given the option between hunting a human and hunting a vampire they would always choose the later, but the anger had never been something he had paid close attention to. He hadn’t even considered it, Nik was angry, he knew that, he could have a short fuse sometimes and could be grumpy but he had never really seen him as angry.

“Well, I’m happy you have Ric then.” Certainly he and Ric did not see eye to eye, and he was sure that his actions over the last couple of months had thoroughly destroyed any chance of being on relatively friendly terms but Ric was good for Nik. He was there for him. He was his family, and Kol — well he would deal with it.

“You know, Jules was the one that helped me.” He confessed, a level of fondness seeping into his voice. “Not with the magic or anything, but she — I wasn’t completely alone with it is what I’m saying. So, don’t feel bad about it, alright?”

I do, he wanted to say, I feel so bad about it because I should have been there. I should have tried to reach out. I should have made sure you, all of you, knew I still wanted to be there for you. That I still love you and you’re still part of my family.

He didn’t. He kept his mouth shut. It wouldn’t change anything. Even if they had contacted him, he probably would not have been able to care for them. He’d been too busy finding himself, making a life for himself. Getting to know himself and figuring out what he wanted, there would have been no place for them.

“I don’t think we would have… you know, been able to listen to each other. The first months, the first shifts – I was too scared to talk about it. And I couldn’t remember anything. Ric had to tell me what happened because my brain just shut down. I’m better now, I remember, sometimes. I remember Ric talking to me. I remember watching the cats. Sometimes I remember smells… and everything is just so different.”

Jules? Well, he’d never been a fan of her, but she had helped Kol, she’d been his anchor and for that he supposed he should be grateful.

“Does she know about the magic? Can you keep something like that from her?”

Is she scared of it?

He would be. Hell, he was. He’d had first-hand experience of how much getting hit by it hurt, how much it had influenced him, made him weak – the idea that he wouldn’t be able to protect someone he loved from it (it, the magic, not from his brother, he trusted Kol) – it was terrifying.

But, again, he didn’t say it.

“Ric knows everything. He’s been there from day one. He’s figured things out that I would still be wondering about if he had not. He’s my mate. He’s – it’s a wolf thing. It’s rare. My wolf accepts him, he won’t attack him. He’s safe with me. And I think… you… you would be safe with me, too. I mean, as long as we’re not fighting and you’re not going all Darth Sidious on me.”

what never was | Nik & Kol


The siblings had always had at least one thing in common, they each loathed their parents, it was simply a toss up on who they hated more. For Kol it had a tendency to change depending on his mood or the day of the week but there was no love lost between him and his parents. He only hoped that they were experiencing endless torturous suffering for the rest of their afterlife.

Kol shrugged, whatever this version of his brother was, he was certainly not like his own, despite the similarities. Klaus for one, had a far greater control over his vocabulary and could hide his emotions a little better than this one. The original smirked when Nik grew quiet, a mix of emotions splaying across his face, each one stronger than the other until Kol raised his brows at his admission that Elijah would have told him the truth.

Even in an alternate reality, it seemed the golden trio was as ripe and unshakable as it ever was. He hated them. “You would be quite surprised at the things that brother dearest would keep from you. Don’t worry, I’m certain it was for an entirely noble reason.”

Kol took another swig from his bottle, a satisfied sigh leaving his pursed lips as he swallowed and pushed himself to his feet, a devious glint in his eyes as he gestured to the other.

“Tell me, Nik, that you haven’t been cooped up in this dreary house all day.” Kol pushed, closing the distance between himself and his brothers mirrored self with ease. “I say we go out, have ourselves a little fun.”

Kol pivoted so he might be side by side with the other, hooking an arm around the others shoulders and all but dragging him towards the front door. “Don’t worry, I’ll have you back at a reasonable hour. Cross my heart.”

No, they were different. Elijah here and back home – they were two different people. He trusted his own brother a 100%, no matter what Kol was trying to do. His brother would have told him if there was something different.

His eyes narrowed when Kol switched the topic, watching him drink from the bottle of whatever it was he was drinking like it was pure water. (It wasn’t, he could smell the alcohol from where he was sitting, but, for once, he didn’t care. He didn’t really worry about Kol’s health, after all, a vampire could probably drink for hours and not feel a thing.)

Did he want to go out with him? Back home, with ‘his’ Kol, they had stopped hanging around together soon after Nik had started high school – and where did he even want to go?

At least he was making an effort, so the least Nik could do was play along for a bit.

“I have the early shift tomorrow, I should be home before midnight.”

Not that it would make him any less sleepy and grumpy in the morning.

Kol touched him, pulled him close to his side and Nik tensed, just barely biting back a growl. Brother or not, his wolf wasn’t okay with being this close to a vampire. It took a considerable amount of self-control to not push Kol away from him. Instead he forced himself to smile at him.

“So what do you do all day? Klaus told me he has ‘plans’ and ‘things to do’ he doesn’t want me to know about. And Elijah apparently spends a lot of his time in the library or the house, writing… Or reading. You could never stay still for long, you would always sneak out and get into trouble. Drove Mikael nuts, he tried to lock you into your room, more than once, but you always found a way out.”

Housewarming | Nik & Elijah


Elijah’s eyes grew wide and he chuckled. “Your Rebekah and mine are… the same. She is much easier to get along with if simply given her way. She is happy, so we’re all happy. Well, most of us.” 

He took the camera to study the girl in the photo. Younger than the Rebekah now, in this space, but he recognized her. More polished than the girl in the photo, but the same. And he knew her a thousand years ago as well. “She’s always been pouty,” he mused as he returned the phone. “I’ve none of my sister on my device at the moment. Sadly.”

“It matters not why she was angry. If she is like mine… well, the storms are violent, but they pass quickly. Relatively so.”

“Well, you are a person. You draw to make you happy. That is just as noble.” It was a concept he understood. “I write. In a journal, nothing other than my day to day thoughts oftentimes, but if I do not get it out, my mind feels… full. Too full.” 

Nik nodded.

“That’s what I mean, I hate it when I can’t draw for a while. When there’s no time or I can’t sit down – I really hate it.”

And how cool would that be? To read Elijah’s book? Read about things that happened a hundred years ago, things he’d seen with his own eyes? History. Something Nik had never really been interested in – he had always lived in the here and now, always cared about the presence and tried to leave the past behind – but now that a part of it was literally sitting in front of him he was curious.

“I don’t feel noble at all,” he grinned, taking a sip of his drink. “But I really want to meet her. And Kol.”

Although, maybe that wasn’t a good idea. He couldn’t say why, but the idea of meeting an alternate universe version of his unpredictable little brother was making him feel nervous.

“Or… you know, maybe not. We didn’t really – I mean, not that he would know about it, but my Kol and I, we had sort of a falling out and I haven’t talked to him for a year. Is… How is your Kol? How do he and Klaus get along?”