
I know. I figured it out without too much frustration. I miss my button and I wish they hadn’t changed what was not broke in the first place but it could be worse

I’m the first to whine about changes, you know? But it doesn’t really look too bad. The only thing I REALLY don’t like about it is that the poor XKIT guy has to change so many of his extensions now to make them work again. I feel really sorry for him. 😦


I think the only thing that’s bugging folks is how they can’t have the small text button and some other stuff. It bugs me none b/c I make my text small a la HTML.

I never used or liked the small thing, it makes posts really hard to read on people’s blogs, so I don’t really miss it.


At least Nik didn’t go the other way.  There was a moment when Klaus wondered if he would bid him goodbye as soon as they were free from the confines of the Grill.  He certainly would not blame him —- but at the same time it would prick his temper a bit.  After all he had been polite.  He had offered to give Nik a hand (one which for the time being, Nik had declined).  

Thankfully it didn’t come to that.

Instead the pair walked side by side down the street.  It was strange to be feared yet not.  To the supernatural element of this town, he was a someone to walk the other way from.  To the humans, he was just another come from away.  Some days, he couldn’t decide what he liked better. 

He listened as Nik spoke of Mystic Falls —- of what it was to him then and what it appeared to as now.  Funnily enough he understood and moments later Nik hit the matter on the head as to why.

“Yes, that is what is like.  I have very few places that I go to more than once. But when I do I am keenly aware at how different things are even though they look the same.  New Orleans is once such place.  At one point in my life, it was home.  The same buildings still exist, the same same streets —- much of where I lived has been preserved.  But everything else is different,” he explained.  “Here too —- I grew up in Mystic Falls.  It looked nothing as it looks now of course.  Just trees and the few houses that made up my village.” 

He stopped to glance at Nik.  

“This might not be the Mystic Falls you remember but you can make it your own.  You have friends here, someone you love…” As much as it pained him to acknowledge given who that someone was.  “This will be your Mystic Falls before you even realize it.”


“What if I don’t want it to be?”

He stopped walking as well, watching Klaus thoughtfully. What he was saying – that he would get used to Mystic Falls – this Mystic Falls – and that he would make it his home… it was true, to some extent. But on the other hand…

“Maybe I want to keep some of my old home, you know? I know I live here now, I know this is where I belong, but everything that was before… I can’t just forget about it. It wouldn’t be fair. I don’t want to forget. My life before, it’s made me who I am now. And it’s hard… and difficult… but I want it to be part of me too.”

He fell silent for a moment and started walking again. Klaus probably didn’t know what he was talking about, couldn’t relate to it – and maybe he didn’t have to.

“Maybe I’m afraid to lose a part of myself if I just forget about it.”

He listens to Klaus talk New Orleans, about home and for a moment the hybrid almost seems like he misses it.

“Why don’t you go back to New Orleans? If you like it there? If it feels like home?”

And then he realizes what he sounds like and he laughs.

“I swear I’m not trying to get rid of you or anything, I’m just curious. If you have a place that you like, a place you feel safe at? Why don’t you live there?”


“It may be a bit premature —- what is that saying?  You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.  But I shall try.”

Sarcasm met with sarcasm.


It would seem to him that Mikael used Christmas a ploy to reinforce obedience.  Whatever the universe, that man was a bloody bastard who deserved death (Klaus could not see any other solution).

Hmm, perhaps it is time for you to look at the holiday in a new light.  You have new family to celebrate it with.  I am sure that Alaric and you will find the best way to honor the holiday.”

He was silent, thinking and then sort of laughed.

“And perhaps I shall burn down something in attempt to remember what once was for me.”  He paused, then shook his head.  “A joke, dear Nik.  Maybe I shall do as you say.  Speak to them…see if there is some part of them that would like to celebrate in the way that we did.”

Nik rolled his eyes.

“You can teach them new tricks, but the old dog has to want to learn something.”

Stupid hybrid and his stupid thickheaded skull and –

Why was he saying all those nice things now? He couldn’t hate him if he said things like that.

“I’ll hold you to that, okay? No burning of anything. I’ll find a way to have the best Christmas with Ric and you… you make sure no one gets killed or lit on fire or… whatever.”

And then, because he really wanted both of them to have something nice for Christmas this year,

“Maybe they won’t understand what you’re trying to do at first, but promise me you’ll keep trying. Some things take time – and if there’s one thing you have enough of, it’s that.”

And, speaking of Ric, he still had a present to find for him and he doubted that Klaus would be good shopping-company.

“Let me know what they said?”

After the full moon is before the full moon | huntyoutoyourend


“To be honest, I had no idea if you would bring harm to that human or not.  This was my first time observing you turn, remember?  Others —- there are wolves that would have attacked.  Partly based on instinct, the need to protect their territory or their pack.  I believe that we are different from true wolves because we still have a part of us that clings to another life.  We are not fully like them, Nik.  I have no doubt that you would never mean to attack a human.  I just wish you to be careful if you do not want to find out what would happen.”


“I only know of one way for you to control the shift and we both know that it is not for you, Nik.  You are not meant to be a hybrid.  However, you are young —- wolves tend to live longer from what I have understood.  You have time to practice each month.  Time to try new things and see if one day those wishes of yours can come true.”

What Klaus was saying made sense. And with everything he remembered from the night before he wasn’t sure if he would have attacked either. There had been a strong sense of I don’t want you here, human but on the other hand he had also wanted to just run away, he couldn’t say what he would have done had Klaus not guided them back to the house.

His eyes went wide then and he shook his head.

“No, I don’t want to be a hybrid. I know Tyler is thankful for your help and he likes being one, but that’s not me. I could never – no. No, thanks. I’d rather find a different way to practice this.”

Leaning back in his seat, he watched Klaus for a moment, his expression thoughtful.

“What do you know about your pack? I mean, I understand that you don’t know who your father is, but have you found out anything about his people? Would you want to meet them?”

♔ full moon rising ♔


There was no fight in the younger wolf —- he simply followed.

Klaus was glad.  He did not want to have to find a way to curtail a wolf’s natural instinct.  There was a very large part of him that would rather let Nik embrace it —- but then again, the promise that he made to a very human Nik lingered in his mind.  

He led them through the tangle of underbrush back towards the open field behind his home.  From there it was a dead run into the manicured lawn and gothic structure.  He felt it now —- they had left the wild behind and before long Nik would be human again as the moon disappeared.  He slowed to a stop and then stood watch as the other wolf padded through his back lawn to find a home among some bushes.  No doubt he would feel less exposed and therefore safe.

With that in mind, Klaus moved toward the backsteps of the house.  Still in wolf form, he curled up with his eyes on the the bush.  


Before morning, he shifted back.  He was covered in bits of dirt but he did not mind.  Instead of showering, he merely dressed and walked barefoot outside once again.  In his hand he had clothes for Nik.  

Klaus breathed deeply as he watched the sun begin its rise.  Funny how in-tuned with the earth he felt after a shift.  He should really do that more often.  Maybe..maybe he could convince Nik to spend each full moon with him.  That way Nik could safely enjoy what he was and Klaus could get to know that side of himself once again.

He could hear the movements from within the bushes.  He headed in that direction, smiling as he heard Nik speak.  ”I am glad that you thought so.  I have some clothing here as I am sure that you are cold,” he stated and his hand was thrust forward so Nik could accept.  ”I would imagine that you are hungry as well.  I have an abundance of food for someone who rarely eats —- you could certainly have whatever you wished.”

So he was lying in a bush. Huh. It was definitely the most unusual place he had ever woken up at and there were some twigs and leaves that kept poking his skin no matter how much he shifted, but that was okay. Still, he took the clothes Klaus offered him gladly and slipped into them, taking a moment to enjoy the scenery.

“I could eat,” he said finally and stepped out onto the grass. “I need my cell phone, need to send Ric a message. Tell him I’m fine and everything went okay. I don’t think he got much sleep last night, he’ll be worried.”

And it was weird to wake up after a full moon without him around. He missed him, even when they had not spent as many full moons together in this universe, Ric’s absence made him feel weird.

But at the same time he also felt… at peace. There was no other word for it. Ever since his first shift, he had always felt tired on the next day. Nervous, somehow. Like he was missing something. And it made sense, because he could never remember what he had done during the night. Alaric always told him about it, described how Nik would go through their apartment, sniffing things and then lying down next to him to wait for the night to end – but it was different this time.

This morning, he remembered. He remembered the smells, the sounds, the way his vision had changed and become less colorful – he remembered everything. Hunting small animals, finding hundreds of different tracks to follow… and the human smell that had ruined his mood.

“I’ve never – this was… So different. I’ve never – this is the first time I remember what it was like. What I did.”

What I am.

“I don’t know what to say. Is this always like this for you?”