Housewarming | Nik & Elijah


Elijah nodded once. “New Orleans is as close to home as we’ve had in a very long time. He was happy there.” A smile lit his face. He loved to talk of traveling. “Perhaps one day you will take an extended trip with your young man. I’ve been a lot of places. More places recently, actually. Travel is so much easier now.”

“I love the thrill of finding new places. It never diminishes. New Orleans was a favorite. We spent a few centuries there.” He tapped his chair arm. “France was another favored place. Rebekah enjoyed it. I should take her for a small trip there again… Let her loose on the shops in Paris…”

His eyes met Nik’s. “That was a memorable meeting, yes. I’m not angry. He did what he felt was right.”

couldn’t even imagine what it was like going to places on horses. Or
maybe even walk for days to reach the next village. He liked the idea
of having woods all around you, it made him think of freedom, a life
that his wolf would embrace in a way that the human part never could.

been there – and I’m not sure I’ll be doing a lot of traveling. I
hate flying, I – when Ric and I went from Mystic Falls to New York
for a weekend – it was bad. He had to distract me the entire
flight. And now, when we visit his parents, he holds my hand and I
try not to die of shame.”

it wasn’t as bad as the first time anymore, but he would never be a
fan of it. Never.

searched Elijah’s eyes for a moment, not really understanding what
had happened between him and Alaric – but he believed him. His
brother wouldn’t hurt Ric, that much he could tell. Maybe wouldn’t
have even before he showed up to talk to him. It made him breathe a
little easier, at least there was one Mikaelson Ric would be safe

I… I won’t pretend I know what’s happened between you, but…