[voicemail] “Nik, where are you? Why aren’t you answering? Did you leave it somewhere? You know I worry! Damn it.. Okay, I’m coming over now. I don’t care if you and Ric are naked. I need to know you’re okay. Three days, Nik! Don’t you do this to me again.. Fuck, I don’t have your key on me. Nik. Call me. Now!”

Oh. Right. His phone. Ally. He’d totally forgotten to tell her about the short-trip. And then Ric had distracted him and… The truth was, he didn’t remember much about the weekend, but what he did remember made him smile and want to turn around and go back to sleep.

But he couldn’t because there was a worried friend to message and tell her that he was okay. More than okay. The best he’d been in months — 

[text] SORRY
[text] We’re okay, I swear.
[text] Just sore. XD And tired.
[text] Talk to you later, okay? 

SEVEN childhood memories that your OC can’t forget

  • Disney World: Mikael made him stay at home while the rest of the family went to DW for four days.
  • the first time Nik and Elijah went on a camping trip alone
  • becoming friends with Meredith
  • running away from home when he was 15: He stayed gone for four days and has never told anyone where he was. Even Elijah doesn’t know.
  • his siblings getting him art supplies for his birthday
  • the two weeks Elijah was on a class trip and Nik only left his room to go to school
  • Mikael taking him to the precinct (written by psychotickol)
    tw: abuse

During his second year in high school, Nik, along with twelve other boys in his year, were chosen to partake in an experimental Health Class over a course of two days where the instructors each spoke about mental and physical health, sexuality, gender identity and abuse. It was during these lessons that Nik obtained a wider understanding of just what Mikael was subjecting him to, finding that he answered yes to most questions that bordered upon child abuse and it was during these lessons that Nik slowly began to realize that what Mikael was doing was in fact illegal.

With this discovery, Nik’s confidence was temporarily raised, finding that he was capable of confronting Mikael’s actions against him calmly, if not fearlessly and found a logical and well-mannered approach to put Mikael off when he saw the rise of an attack about to take place.

However, one day Mikael chose to take Nik to the Sheriffs Office where he subjected Nik to witnessing just how much pull his father had over the law holders of Mystic Falls. Finding that everyone, not only his father’s colleagues on the force, but the administrators, file boys and secretaries would hang off of Mikaels every word. Nik was forced to watch Mikael flaunt his charisma, how everyone within the office would listen when he spoke and he realized that they would each follow Mikael into a battlefield if he told them to.

Nik’s confidence depleted, and with his fear of what Mikael was capable of renewed, he was returned home by one of the deputies.

♥ ♡ (not sorry )

  • Send a ♥ for a physical trait of your muse that my muse finds attractive

“… okay. Well… I think you have nice eyes. When you’re not glaring at me. Don’t like your frown, though. Or anything else about you.”

  • Send a for a personality trait of your muse that my muse finds attractive 

“Nothing. I don’t like anything about you.”

TEN quirks your OC has

  1. Nik daydreams a lot.
  2. Nik falls asleep a lot, but mostly only when he’s at home.
  3. Which leads to: Nik falls asleep right after sex. (Sorry, Ric!)
  4. Nik is bad with words, he prefers to sketch things. His notes at school are a mix of sketches, dates and “random” words that make no sense to anyone but him.
  5. He can’t sit still when he’s nervous/tense.
  6. Sometimes, during the night, he gets up, half-sleepwalks through the apartment to make sure the place is safe and then goes back to sleep on the couch.
  7. He likes to go around barefoot, again mostly at home.
  8. He doesn’t like being hugged or touched randomly. Even with his friends he sometimes freaks out when they touch him and he didn’t see it coming.
  9. Nik refuses to hurt animals, he is the one who takes out a spider instead of killing it.
  10. Nik doesn’t use auto-correct on his phone even though his texts sometimes end up unreadable.